A Daring Shell Yes to the Camino πŸŽ’πŸ₯ΎπŸšΆπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Seizing the Moment: My Camino Adventure 

Life is like a collage, a collection of the vibrant pieces of our dreams, desires, and the courage we find to pursue them. For years, a particular dream has tugged at my heartstrings, a pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago. It’s a dream I've allowed to simmer on the back burner, an enticing possibility pushed aside by the demands of everyday life.

It all began in a picturesque Spanish hotel room. Surrounded by the allure of this beautiful country, I stumbled upon an article about the Camino de Santiago. In that instant, a spark ignited within me. I knew I had to walk this ancient path. But life, with its unpredictable twists and turns, intervened. The dream was shelved as a casualty of daily life.

The pandemic forced a global pause, a time for reflection and reevaluation. As the world slowly reopened, we began traveling again.  Then one day, while wandering through a quaint French village, I stumbled upon scallop shells marking the Camino, this discovery reignited my long-dormant dream of walking the ancient pilgrimage route. A shared passion with a friend solidified the decision: 2024 would be the year.

We opted for the Portuguese route, a 160-mile trek through breathtaking landscapes, which promises a unique and challenging adventure. Thinking about living out of a backpack for a month is both exhilarating and terrifying. Excitement courses through me as I imagine the adventure of the open road and the friendship of fellow trekkers. Yet, a tiny sense of fear lurks beneath the surface, fueled by a myriad of imagined potential scenarios. Will I be able to carry my pack for hours each day? Will I encounter unexpected challenges? Will I find vegan meals? Despite my anxieties and brief moments of picturing myself going hungry because I can't find vegan food, a spark of anticipation ignites within me, fueling my determination to begin this unforgettable journey.

September 6th is rapidly approaching. With each passing day, the reality of this adventure sinks in deeper. With accommodation booked for only the first week of a four-week trip, there will be many moments of surrendering to the journey and trusting that the path will unfold. As we embrace uncertainty, we will discover the profound peace and freedom that comes from surrendering to the journey.

As the saying goes, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now." This adage has never resonated more deeply than it does today. We often delay our dreams, believing there will be a "better" time. But the truth is, life is uncertain. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.  So here are three steps to launch your journey of making your dreams come true:

Step 1: Reflect on Your Passions and Dreams
  • What are you truly passionate about?
  • What dreams or aspirations have you been putting off?
  • Why do you think you've been hesitant to pursue these goals?
  • Step 2: Identify Your Limiting Beliefs
    • Are there any negative beliefs or limiting thoughts holding you back?
    • Where did these beliefs originate?
    • How can you challenge and overcome these limiting beliefs?
  • Step 3: Visualize Your Success
    • Imagine yourself having already achieved your goals. How do you feel?
    • What does your life look like?
    • What steps (no matter how small) can you take today to bring you closer to this vision?
  • Go Deeper with the Goddess Glow-up 2-week abundance booster (use coupon code CAMINO50 for 60% off the regular price)
This Camino journey is more than just a walk; it's a statement of intent. It's a declaration that dreams deserve to be chased, regardless of age, circumstances, or fears. I'm excited to share this adventure with you, and to inspire others to take that first step, no matter how daunting it may seem.  Follow our adventures on Instagram as we take this incredible journey 

Comment below if you're inspired to make one (or more) of your dreams come true! 

Let’s support each other on our journeys and create a community of dreamers and doers. Remember, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.


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