Rediscover Your Inner Radiance

You are more than skin deep. Beneath the surface lies a vibrant soul, waiting to be celebrated. Often overshadowed by societal expectations, your authentic self yearns for recognition.
It's time to embrace your beauty from within—confidence blossoms when you honor your mind, body, and spirit. Let go of the pressure to conform and rediscover the incredible person you are. You deserve to feel beautiful, empowered, and at peace.

Waking up feeling confident, not needing validation from anyone.
Embracing your quirks and knowing they're what make you, you.
Connecting with a supportive community of women who understand and uplift you.
Feeling empowered to silence the inner critic and celebrate your true worth.

Bloom  Community isn't about chasing some external ideal. It's about nurturing the incredible woman you already are.

We'll help you:
Uncover your inner strength: Ditch the self-doubt and cultivate unshakeable confidence in who you are.
Embrace your authenticity: Let go of societal pressures and rediscover the joy of being uniquely you.
Build a loving relationship with yourself: Fall in love with the woman you see in the mirror, imperfections and all.
Find a sisterhood of support: Connect with a powerful community cheering you on every step of the way.

❤️This is your journey to self-love, self-acceptance, and radiant confidence.

Join the BLOOM Community today and get your first month for just $1 (USD) with code EMBARK100 

Step into a safe space where you can explore your authentic self without judgment. Together, we'll create a life that reflects your deepest desires and allows you to shine brightly, just as you are.

BLOOM: Your Journey to Self-Love

More than just a membership, it's a transformative journey. Reconnect with your authentic self, build unshakeable confidence, and attract the love you deserve.

If You Crave:

The security of deep self-love: To fall asleep each night knowing you're worthy and enough, exactly as you are.

The freedom to be your authentic self: To shed societal pressures and embrace your quirks, knowing they make you uniquely beautiful.

The confidence to radiate from within: To silence the inner critic and celebrate your true worth, without needing external validation.

The comfort of belonging in a supportive community: To connect with women who cherish your authenticity and cheer you on every step of the way.

Then the Self-Love Journey Community is for you.


  • The power of your authentic self:  Let go of self-doubt and embrace the woman you truly are, imperfections and all.
  • Unshakeable confidence:  Develop a strong inner compass that allows you to navigate life's uncertainties with grace and resilience.
  • A supportive sisterhood:  Connect with a powerful community of women who understand and uplift you, fostering a profound sense of belonging.
  • A life that lights you up:  Learn tools to manifest your deepest desires and create a fulfilling life that reflects your authentic radiance.



    • Uncover your inner strength: Cultivate unshakeable confidence and self-belief, knowing you can handle anything life throws your way.
    • Embrace your true beauty: Discover the radiant woman beneath the surface, imperfections and all.
    • Silence the negativity: Learn to quiet the self-doubt and negative voices holding you back.
    • Build healthy relationships: Attract connections that celebrate your authentic self and leave you feeling cherished.


Do you yearn for a life brimming with confidence and purpose?  Deep down, you know there's a radiant woman waiting to blossom, but uncertainty whispers doubts, holding you back from the joy you deserve.

Imagine a year from now:  You wake up feeling secure in your own skin, radiating confidence.  The fear that once held you captive has transformed into a quiet strength.
You are not alone.  We all need a supportive community to help us blossom.  Is it time to stop waiting and start living the life you truly desire?

Unleash Your Inner Radiance: Unveiling the Bloom Community Benefits:

  • Live Somatic Online Group Sessions (2x Monthly): Dive deep into self-discovery through interactive sessions valued at $54.00.  Learn powerful techniques like somatic healing to release past limitations and connect with your inner strength.
  • Ever-Expanding Replay Library (Unlimited Access): Access a treasure trove of past sessions (valued at $20.00) for continued learning and inspiration, at your own pace.
  • Incorporate mindfulness into your day: Members-only library of short (15 minutes or less) meditation recordings.
  • Supportive Chat & Text Community: Connect with a like-minded community for daily encouragement and support. Share breakthroughs, ask questions, and feel the comfort of belonging.
  • Free Abundance Course:  Members enjoy free access to Goddess Glow-Up: 2-Week Abundance Booster.
  • Founding Member Discount & First Month Offer: Become a founding member and enjoy a special rate of $34.47 per month (originally $47.00), saving $12.53. Plus, experience your first month for just $1.00!  This is your chance to see the transformative power of the community at minimal cost.
  • Invest in Yourself for Less Than $1.15 per Day:  Embrace self-love and unlock your potential for a small daily investment.
This isn't just a membership, it's an investment in your well-being.
Bonus Benefits:
  • 30% Off Private Sessions: Gain access to transformative one-on-one coaching at a discounted rate.
  • Free Access to Special Online Events: Deepen your journey with free access to online special events (Value varies from $20 to $35.00)
Join the Self-Love Journey Community today and begin on a path to self-acceptance, radiant confidence, and a life that truly reflects your authentic self.

Enough with the big promises. Let's talk about what truly matters. 

We've all been stuck in relationships that zap our energy, feeling lost and unsure of ourselves. You deserve connections that celebrate the amazing woman you are, and a life that reflects your deepest desires.
The Self-Love Journey Community isn't some quick fix. It's a supportive space for down-to-earth women like you and me to explore self-discovery and cultivate radiant confidence.

Here's the inside scoop:
  • Founding Member Perks: Lock in a special rate of $34.47 monthly, plus your first month for just $1! This is your chance to experience the power of the community at minimal risk.
  • Heal and Connect: We'll explore powerful tools like somatic healing and breathwork to help you release past hurts and build healthy, fulfilling relationships.
  • Become Your Best Self: Cultivate unshakeable self-love and self-acceptance. Learn to quiet the inner critic and embrace your unique beauty, imperfections and all.
  • Live Your Truth: Discover what truly lights you up, and create a life that reflects your authentic desires.
Why I Get It:
I'm not just a coach who throws fancy terms around. I've walked this path myself. I've healed from past wounds, learned to love myself fiercely, and transformed my own relationships.

My Credentials Matter, But So Does My Experience:
I'm trained in Somatic Coaching and breathwork, helping you move through emotional blocks and connect with your inner strength.

And I'm Not Alone:
I'm lucky to have Kaylin on my team. She's a certified Reiki practitioner and EFT practitioner, who brings her expertise and a calming presence to our community. Together, we create a safe space for you to thrive.

Beyond the Training:
We're part of a supportive network of healers, and bring a wealth of personal experience to the table. We've faced challenges and come out stronger, with a deep empathy for your struggles.

We're Not Miracle Workers, But We're Here for You:
We can't do the work for you, but we'll provide the tools, guidance, and support you need to heal, love yourself, and create a fulfilling life.

Are you ready? Let's walk this journey together. Imagine surrounding yourself with supportive women, feeling confident and deserving, and living a life that truly lights you up.

These results are within your reach. Join us today!
Forget the fairy tales. Let's create a life you actually love.

Ready to start on the path of self-discovery, and create a life of joy and fulfillment. 
Unlock Your Inner Magic

What happens during the live sessions?
You will be guided through various healing modalities, including breathwork, Reiki, somatic coaching, EFT, and more. These sessions can help you release deeply buried emotions and trauma, gain insight into your inner desires, and receive support from other members
How much time will I need to dedicate to this member?
There are two 60-90 minute live membership sessions each month, plus a free 45-60 minute breathwork session (which you can even share with friends and family!). This totals about three hours of live content per month.  While attending the live sessions is optional, we highly recommend it to get the most out of your membership.

You'll also receive action steps to guide your progress. How much time you dedicate to these steps is up to you, but remember, investing in yourself is essential for growth and fulfillment.

Consider the time you currently spend on self-soothing activities due to overwhelm, low self-worth, and unfulfillment. Could that time be better spent investing in your personal growth and transformation?
When do the live sessions take place?
The membership includes two Live online group sessions each month, the sessions normally take place on the Second Sunday of each month and the 4th Tuesday. 
A free breathwork session (open to all)  takes place every third Wednesday of the month. (Days and times subject to change)

These sessions all begin at 6 PM PST.  
Thesession recordings are uploaded to the Replay Library, the following day
Times and dates for special online workshops to be announced throughout the year. 
Is my privacy protected during the live sessions?
Absolutely! We have a strict policy that what is shared during the session stays in the session. During sharing opportunities, the recording will be paused to ensure your privacy.
About Kaylin
My purpose is to help highly sensitive, empathic women like you reclaim their inner power and shine their light.

As a young girl, I was incredibly sensitive and felt deeply responsible for the emotions of those around me. This led to confusing relationships, health issues, and a deep sense of not belonging. I knew I was meant for more.

Through my journey of self-discovery, I discovered powerful mind-body modalities like Reiki, EFT, Inner Child healing, IFS, and Somatic Experiencing. These practices helped me release limiting beliefs, reconnect with myself, and reclaim my power.

Now, as a Reiki Master Practitioner and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I guide women like you through their own transformation journeys. Whether you're struggling with people-pleasing, overwork, or perfectionism, I can help you reconnect with your true self and step into your full potential.
Are you ready to reclaim your power and shine your light? Click below to try our membership for free!


About Lynn


I'm here because I understand what you're going through. I've been there myself, lost in the depths of emotional pain and heartbreak. I know the feeling of losing sight of who you are and the struggle to rebuild your life.

But I also know that healing is possible. I found my way back to myself through breathwork and somatic coaching, and now I'm excited about helping other women do the same.

My approach is body-based, focusing on connecting with your physical sensations to release emotional pain and trauma. I'll guide you through breathwork, and somatic coaching, and offer support and guidance based on my background in health and wellness coaching.
I'm also a mom and grandma, so I know how challenging it can be to juggle multiple roles. I'm here to support you every step of the way and create a plan that fits your unique needs.

The First month is Free 


We are so confident that you will love our program that we are offering the first month for just a dollar At the end of the first month,  your membership will automatically renew at founder pricing of $34.47 a month. You can cancel your membership at any time before your next renewal date.

Copyright Lynn Gantner/DBA Holistic Heart